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Cable current and cable cross-sectional area selection standard
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Estimation of current carrying capacity of insulated conductor
The relation between carrying capacity and cross section of aluminum core insulated conductor
Section: 1 1.5 2.5 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120
Multiple: 9 9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3.5 3 3 2.5 2.5
Current: 9 14 23 32 48 60 90 100 123 150 210 238 300

Estimation formula:
Two and a half times nine, minus one straight up.
Thirty-five times three and a half. Pairs minus five.

Conditions change and convert, high temperature 10% discount copper upgrade.

Through the pipe number two, three, four, eighty-six fold full load flow.


(1) The current carrying capacity (safety current) of various insulated wires (rubber and plastic insulated wires) is not directly pointed out, but is expressed by "cross section multiplied by a certain multiple", obtained by mental calculation. It can be seen from Table 5.3 that the multiple decreases with the increase of the cross-section.

"Two and a half times down to nine, minus one line up" said is 2.5mm and below a variety of cross-section aluminum core insulated wire, its carrying capacity is about 9 times the number of sections. For example, 2.5 mm 'wire, the carrying capacity is 2.5 ¡Á9 = 22.5 (A). The multiple relationship between the carrying capacity and the number of sections of the wires from 4mm 'and above is arranged upward along the line number, and the multiple is successively reduced by l, that is, 4¡Á8, 6¡Á7, 10¡Á6, 16¡Á5, 25¡Á4.
"Thirty-five times three and A half, two groups minus five points", that is, 35mm "wire carrying capacity is 3.5 times the number of sections, that is, 35¡Á 3.5 = 122.5 (A). From 50mm 'and above the wire, the multiple relationship between the carrying capacity and the number of sections becomes two two line numbers into a group, and the multiple is reduced by 0.5 in turn. That is, the carrying capacity of 50, 70mm 'wire is 3 times the number of sections; 95, 120mm "wire carrying capacity is 2.5 times the number of its section, and so on.

"The conditions are changed and converted, and the high temperature copper is upgraded by 10%." The above formula is an aluminum-core insulated wire, and it is arranged at an ambient temperature of 25 ¡ã C. If the aluminum core insulated wire is placed in the area where the ambient temperature is higher than 25 ¡ã C for a long time, the conductor carrying capacity can be calculated according to the above formula calculation method, and then discounted by 10%; When the use is not aluminum wire but copper core insulated wire, its carrying capacity is slightly larger than the same specification aluminum wire, can be calculated according to the above formula method to increase the carrying capacity of a line number than aluminum wire. For example, the carrying capacity of 16mm 'copper wire can be calculated according to 25mm2 aluminum wire.

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